At Beehive Coworking, we love our Mama (Mother Nature, that is)! That’s why we:

  • Reduce our energy consumption. In addition to using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, we use timers and motion sensors to reduce electricity usage. We open windows instead of using the AC whenever possible. We’ve maximized the availability of natural light with large windows in every possible wall.
  • Reuse materials whenever possible. We use washable face cloths to dry our hands. Our coffee is bean-to-ceramic mug with no waste. We offer refillable glass Beehive water bottles. We encourage scanning instead of printing & copying. We have a packing-material give-and-take area to encourage reuse of packing materials.
  • Recycle paper, plastic, metal, and glass. We have a giant recycle area in the kitchen for when it’s not possible to avoid single-use products.

When people come to the Beehive, they quickly get into the habit of making environmentally-friendly choices. We know that if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!