Introverts and Coworking

Introverts and Coworking

Most people would agree that coworking spaces are great for extroverts. They imagine a noisy, interactive environment where everyone is talking about their exciting weekends over coffee. That picture is not wrong in many cases, but would you be surprised to learn that...
Work and Music

Work and Music

Some people like to have the radio on when they work.Some need absolute quiet to be productive.Some people like Rock. Some RAP. Some Classical. Some Heavy Metal.What’s a coworking space owner to do? At the Beehive, we want you to be at your creative best! If that...


Noise is one of the major complaints of people using open-plan coworking spaces. This can be especially problematic for people whose work requires concentration. At the Beehive Community, creating a healthy, productive workplace is what we’re about. We’ve taken a...
Is Coworking a Good Idea for Me

Is Coworking a Good Idea for Me

Working from home or remotely can be great, but coworking spaces are where it’s at! Working from home is awesome. You can wear your pajamas all day, eat snacks whenever you want, and take breaks whenever you need them. But sometimes, it can get a little lonely...